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ILBCF / HBCU Fellowship Application
Deadline September 30, 2022

The ILBCF will be hosting a cohort of 6 Fellows (4 Undergraduate/2 Graduate/Law) for the upcoming year-October-March.  Our fellows will be tasked with; issue development, legislative drafting, creating facts sheets, serving as the ILBCF’s policy expert, communications and attending several seminars to help them discover more aspects of state government. The fellowship will also provide an opportunity for virtual data collection and qualitative research. The fellowship program doesn’t require students to be in Springfield, but they will be required to remotely work with the foundation to advance its policy agenda (especially during COVID-19).


Based on this, there will potentially be a need for the fellows to staff our Annual Legislative Conference in October.  Fellows will be provided with a $1,500 stipend for their tenure of work, Graduate Level Fellows will receive a $2,500 stipend and also cover travel expenses to Springfield for meetings.


This application is for potential research fellows for the upcoming 2023 legislative session.  Applicants should be enrolled at an accredited HBCU institution of higher learning and have reached their sophomore/junior year or above (to Ph.D). Students must have a 2.7 G.P.A. or above.


Please Fill Out the Application to the Left, and Submit ALL Documents as a Single PDF to

Please Direct All Questions To

Illinois Legislative Black Caucus Foundation © 2024

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