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Evans to Focus on Local Infrastructure Investment as Chair of Transportation Committee


CHICAGO – State Rep. Marcus C. Evans Jr., D-Chicago, will lead an effort to create jobs and expand opportunity by investing in roads and highways as the new chairman of a House transportation committee.
“Our streets, roads and bridges are crumbling and if Illinois is serious about attracting businesses and creating jobs we must invest in our infrastructure at every level,” Evans said. “I am excited to take a leading role in building up our state’s infrastructure and making Illinois a place that is more accessible to businesses and motorists.”
Evans will serve as chairman of the House Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ infrastructure report card, Illinois roads are in poor condition costing motorist $3.7 billion annually in repair costs.
Additionally, 16 percent of Illinois’ bridges are deemed structurally deficient. The governor recently borrowed nearly $480 million for road and bridge repair, adding to Illinois’ billions of dollars in debt. Rather than generating new debt, Evans is focused on finding new revenue sources to fund infrastructure investment.
“We all share a commitment to our infrastructure, but I disagree with the governor’s decision to kick the can down the road and borrow money to fund the road repair we desperately need. He should not be creating new debt, instead he should look for new ways to generate revenue,” said Evans. “I am committed to improving our roads, highways and bridges and I look forward to working with my colleagues in these efforts.”
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