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Slaughter to Advocate for Criminal Justice Reform, School Funding in Committee Appointments


CHICAGO – State Rep. Justin Slaughter, D-Chicago, plans to prioritize education funding and fight for reform

in the state’s criminal justice system after being appointed to the House Appropriations Elementary and Secondary Education Committee and House Judiciary Criminal Committee.

“When I talk to local residents at community events and going door-to- door, they often mention their concern about our education system and criminal justice network,” Slaughter said. “These committee appointments give me an opportunity to directly review legislation that will impact these areas of concern and bring positive change.”

In addition, Slaughter will also serve on the Business Incentives for Local Communities Committee, the Economic Justice and Equity Committee, the Energy Committee, the Health and Healthcare Disparities

Committee, the Police and First Responders Committee and the Restorative Justice Committee.

“I aim to be an advocate for disadvantaged residents who need to be prioritized,” Slaughter said. “We need to

take a close look at policies in place that impact our community, and craft solutions to the hurdles that prevent individuals from receiving a strong education and the opportunity to receive a well-paying job. I look forward to working with my colleagues on a wide-range of topics that will allow our city to move forward.”

For more information, please contact Slaughter’s constituent service office at 773-445- 9700

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