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Trotter: Governor putting politics ahead of schoolchildren


SPRINGFIELD – Assistant Majority Leader Donne Trotter (D-Chicago) released the following statement after Gov. Bruce Rauner issued an amendatory veto on Senate Bill 1, education funding reform legislation:

“It’s unfortunate that the Governor is choosing to play politics instead of signing legislation that would fairly fund our public schools. He’s said he wants to improve our education system, yet he vetoes the most progressive funding reform bill we’ve passed in decades.

We have to change this worst-in-the-nation funding formula that is set up to hurt some of the most disenfranchised students throughout the state.

The Governor has pitted Chicago students against downstate and suburban kids. In reality, Senate Bill 1 helps students all over the state, from inner city schools to rural, poor districts.

I will continue to fight to fix our broken education system by reaching across the aisle, so that our students can get the fair funding that they so desperately deserve.”

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